
Enabling New Possibilities for Manufacturers by Unlocking the Value of Data from Cloud

Manufacturing transformation for subdomains like Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Heavy Equipment, Electronics, Oil and Gas and many others is powered by connected products, connected factories, and evolved business models like Servitization. Manufacturers today are leveraging a wealth of internal and external data to gain competitive advantage and explore new opportunities.

Experts from top organizations come together in this panel discussion to throw more light on how global manufacturers can harness the power of data and analytics on top of cloud. The esteemed panel includes the following subject matter experts: Scott Anderson, Director – IT, Enterprise Architecture, BI/Data Analytics apps, Automation CoE, John Deere; Baledev Marepally, IT Leader - Analytics and Data Science, Toyota Motors North America; Douglas Bellin, Head - WW Smart Factory GTMS and WWCS Business Development, Amazon Web Services; and Srinivas Gopal Sugavanam, VP – Data and Analytics practice, Infosys.

The discussion focuses on three broad horizons:

  • The first horizon is about data-driven enterprises making better decisions
  • The second one is about leveraging the power of data and analytics to outcompete peers and born-digital organizations
  • The third horizon focuses on powering the larger data economy with a connected ecosystem

Watch the panel discussion here