
Data-Powered, Adaptive Supply Chain to Become Future Fit: A Focus on the Manufacturing Industry

Forrester Consulting Thought Leadership Spotlight Commissioned by Infosys

The manufacturing industry is undergoing a rapid change. Manufacturing organizations are under immense pressure to transform into digital businesses, become increasingly agile and efficient, and reduce production costs to a minimum — while maintaining high quality. To survive in this fast-changing digital world, manufacturers must build more resiliency and responsiveness in their supply chains.

Infosys commissioned Forrester Consulting to leverage Forrester research and Business Technographics® data to explore the importance of the supply chain imperative, including the perceived challenges, drivers, and benefits of investments in supply chain management.

The study highlights that data-driven supply chain management has become a strategic priority; ensuring its support in the market will enable manufacturing enterprises to accelerate their innovation. Further, the study also uncovers how data-driven supply chains help to automate business processes, reduce risks, produce new levels of intelligence, improve employee experience, deliver better customer experience, and ultimately fuel digital transformation.


More than one-third of manufacturing decision-makers involved with digital transformation efforts in their organizations said they will focus on "supply chain transformation."

Two in five manufacturing decision-makers said that their focus is on applying data and analytics to accelerate their organizations’ journey toward digital transformation.

Three in five manufacturing decision-makers said they will invest in IoT as a part of their organization’s digital transformation efforts.

Key Findings

  • A data-driven supply chain is key to digital transformation and business resiliency.
  • Data analytics, IoT, and cloud adoption offer untapped potential to supply chain management.
  • Antiquated processes and existing legacy systems are major barriers to supply chain transformation.

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