Infosys: A career match custom made for me!

Tao Zeng From Albertson, NY, Tao is a Bachelor of Science in computer science. Designated as an Associate with Infosys, Tao is working on a project for Assurant, and alongside, honing his skills in ServiceNow.

As a child, I’d spend countless hours surfing the web. As I grew up, this interest turned into a passion for computers and technology. And very soon it was time for me as a young adult, to consider what path I wanted to embark on. Luckily, my high school offered me the first glimpse of the road with an introduction to computer science classes. It was something I really enjoyed, so I dived right in, and went into my college – for majoring in computer science.

Little did I know that I was in for a reality check! I was not prepared for was how much I was missing in the basics. My first computer science class in college was a wakeup call, and from there started my uphill battle. I had to make up the difference and reinforce my learning to keep up. The scenario did not change much when it was time for job hunting. While I had done various internships, they all gave me limited experience and exposure. Every organization that I applied for, got back saying that I did not have what they were looking for, or I was not a good fit. So when I stumbled upon Infosys, a company that was invested in employee learnability and a culture of mentorship, it was a perfect match.

Infosys’s motto, “Navigate Your Next,” stayed with me and was a big deciding factor in my decision to join. As a company, Infosys gives employees various platforms to advance their career, and our internal comprehensive learning platform, Lex, has been a huge help for me to bolster my own “Next” and better myself every day.

As a part the Hartford hub, I’m surrounded with likeminded individuals who take me forward with them. We’re a growing community and we spend every week bonding more and more with activities like basketball and social outings.

Infosys has really given me a home where I can hone my craft and I hope to continue this journey with my peers.