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Brilliant Basics Edition Podcasts

  • Lindsay Wall on Digital Innovation

    April 06, 2020
  • Lindsay Wall, General Manager for the UK, Ireland and Middle East at Brilliant Basics, discusses digital innovation and the challenges that big corporations are facing today. The discussion covers Infosys Digital Radar 2020 report and why telecoms are under threat.

    Hosted by Anand Verma, European Head of Digital Services for Infosys and Founder & CEO of Brilliant Basics, Infosys’ Design Studios.

    “A common challenge that we find with a lot of our clients as well, is that they're doing many of the right things. They've set up innovation labs, they've set up centers of excellence, they're training all their employees on design thinking. But if you measure it around, what are the five to ten unicorns that are going to transform that business and the whole operating model and the organization at large. Delivering that is the key challenge.”

    - Lindsay Wall


Show Notes

  • 00:05

    Lindsay and Anand are talking about Infosys Digital Radar 2020 Report.

  • 01:42

    Lindsay shares his background.

  • 02:51

    Lindsay goes into a little bit more detail into report’s categories (watchers, explorers, and visionaries) and how someone like Brilliant Basics and Infosys are helping their clients face challenges that we're looking at.

  • 04:41

    Why digital innovation is important? What is it all about?

  • 06:27

    Lindsay talks about why do companies fail to capitalize.

  • 07:52

    What are the challenges that big corporates are facing today?

  • 10:35

    Lindsay gives us some examples of which companies are actually taking this in their stride and actually innovating through the three categories that he defined.

  • 19:04

    Lindsay talks about the client who created a model whereby they believe that by bringing this digital and physical components together, they can actually start to build a culture of innovation that was not possible before.

  • 21:05

    Lindsay explains what’s going to happen if large enterprise businesses actually do nothing to change?

  • 23:41

    Lindsay shares his favorite book and explain why he likes it.

  • Music by Ruhan Verma, 13-year-old upcoming Drummer and Producer

About Lindsay Wall

Lindsay Wall

Lindsay started his career in big Agency networks like Publicis, Lowe Lintas and McCann Erickson. He helped grow iris Worldwide into one of the world’s leading independent agencies and then led Rufus Leonard to become BIMA Agency of the Year. He held digital design & innovation leadership roles for EY Seren, WAE / Globant and is currently with Brilliant Basics, Infosys’ Global Design & Product Studio.