
Banks turning to the Cloud for Growth and Improved Customer Experience

Financial services firms have been leveraging technology as a critical business enabler to compete more effectively in aggressive markets.  The larger firms have been widely recognized for adopting advanced technology platforms and solutions to achieve their growth objectives. 

However, regional, and medium banks have emerged as formidable challengers by accelerating their digital transformation journey on cloud platforms.  They have proficiently kept pace with the unprecedented rate of technology due to their advantages of less complexity and legacy requirements, resulting in improved customer experience and product differentiation. 

Dennis Gada, SVP and Head for Financial Services, North America at Infosys, recently shared his perspective about successful examples working in partnership with Citizens and Old National Bank.  These regional banks maximized the benefits of cloud to develop skilled talent and innovative offerings for strategic positioning with profitable revenue streams. 

Read the exclusive article here to discover how regional banks have used resilient technology like Infosys Cobalt cloud to navigate their success.