
Automation Journey of Bupa Global

22 Dec 2021

We have heard enough talk about how important Automation is to the success of the enterprises. It’s time we hear what it takes to get there! In this episode, we have with us – Steve Williams, Head of IT Strategy and Architecture to discuss the automation journey of the insurance giant, Bupa Global.

Hosted by Abhiram Mahajani, Sales Director, AI and Automation Services, UK and Europe, Infosys

"The sort of first challenge in many ways is, is to make sure that, you know, we don't get over overrun by the hype”

“I think there's a very clear distinction between RPA and AI, I see them as complementary technologies, rather than, you know, one overtaking the other.”

“You know, it doesn't need to be perfect. But it does need to, you know, obviously provide enough value to make it worthwhile.”

- Steve Williams


Show Notes

  • 00:01

    What is The Applied AI Podcast?

  • 00:25

    Abhiram briefs the topic of discussion

  • 01:22

    Over to you Steve for a quick introduction.

  • 02:45

    I would like to sort of go to the very beginning of this journey. And if you could let us know how it started. What was the initial teams involved? And you know how it all began at Bupa?

  • 08:08

    If I want to know, a little more on, you know, I'm sure this has, this has not been an all-smooth journey. So, there would have been a few hiccups? Would you like to share some specifics on those wines, with some of our listeners for their experiences?

  • 13:47

    Now you have you already have a few use cases in the pipeline. And some of the ones that you mentioned earlier, were very unique. So where did these ideas come from? What these came from the automation team, or these were given by business? How did this happen? And how do you see that happening in the future? Over the next say, year?

  • 17:41

    I have seen in enterprises, the same automation initiative, starting to evolve into an AI initiative is when I see elements of cognitive automation and AI coming in into the same mix. Do you see that happening at Bupa? And where exactly are you on that journey?

  • 21:35

    Abhiram shares his takeaways

  • 23:00

    Abhiram shares how to connect with Infosys applied AI

About Steve Williams


Steve is the Head of IT Strategy and Architecture at Bupa Global

He ensures that Bupa Global’s technology supports the business strategy and priorities, which is delivered via a robust, scalable and future proofed architecture. This is a two-way street as the role is also to provide the business with a view of the ‘art of the possible’ as another input into the business strategy conversation. A key part of that is innovation – understand upcoming technologies and describing what business value they can bring to Bupa Global. AI and Robotics are a key area that Bupa Global has been looking at over the last few years, and are now seeing implementations of these technologies which are delivering to the bottom line.