
Unified CAD/CAE Solution on AWS Cloud

Over the last few decades, CAD modelling has grown from a single user CAD design product running on a microcomputer to a complex CAD design environment with multiple teams working simultaneously on the same design. Design firms, large and small, struggle to provide the adequate infrastructure that can support performance to satisfy even basic functionality. In this digital world, cloud-based applications are rapidly becoming the new normal across all sectors. Most enterprises from Fortune 500 to start-ups are migrating to the cloud for their infrastructure needs, but some segments are skeptical about it, CAD/CAE being one of them.

However, there’s been growing interest in delivering CAD and CAE software via the cloud in the past few years — with plenty of debate over its strengths and weaknesses. CAD and CAE software always need high-end workstations, requiring engineers to be in the office or enabled to access these workstations remotely. But there must be a better way for engineers to work efficiently. In partnership with AWS, Infosys decided to check the reality of hosting CAD software on the cloud and conducted a ‘proof of concept (POC).’ We highlight our findings in this whitepaper.

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