Tackling Turbulence Through Expertise


The economic landscape today is quite shaky and there are many things that contribute to this. Right from geo-political instability to investor activism, threats are several. But with what we know today and the technology we wield today, like AI and automation, it’s possible to fight. And thrive. This fireside chat at Confluence with Nilanjan Roy, CFO at Infosys is all about the different ways to stay ahead, during turbulent times.


Key Takeaways

Switch It Up

Switch It Up

The pandemic has played a huge role in changing how brands and their consumers interact. As this interaction continues to evolve, so must digital journeys. In order to scale their business, brands need to continuously create solutions that are relevant.

Adapt to the Times

Adapt to the Times

The technological evolution during and after the pandemic made one thing clear - automation and AI will drive the future of work. Organizations need to invest in not just retaining talent but in reskilling and upskilling them so they can embrace new responsibilities in this rapidly-changing, digital era.

Measure Each Step

Measure Each Step

In a world that is moving from carbon-based fuels to greener energy, it is important for companies to keep up. Enterprises need to embark on a sustainability journey that focuses on environment-friendly decision making and reduces carbon footprints.

Different Is Good

Different Is Good

Problem solving can benefit from diversity. Individuals from various backgrounds offer fresh perspectives that lead to new and innovative solutions. That’s why organizations must work hard to have a diverse and inclusive workforce.