Strokes Beyond Gold

Emma McKeon

From the highs of winning seven medals at the Tokyo Olympics to the challenges she faced in her career, Australian swimming sensation Emma McKeon’s story is a testament to resilience, passion, and the pursuit of excellence.

At Confluence APAC 2024, we delve into an inspiring story, through Emma McKeon’s honest and relatable anecdotes of dedication, perseverance, and the importance of finding joy in the process, one determined stroke at a time.


Key Takeaways

Find Joy in the Journey

Find Joy in the Journey

Success isn't just about the finish line. Celebrate the process, embrace challenges, and learn from setbacks. Every step is a stroke closer to your goals.

Silence Your Inner Critic

Silence Your Inner Critic

We all face self-doubt, but don't let it dictate your path. Believe in yourself, practice positive self-talk, and remember that progress, not perfection, is key.

Discover Your Why

Discover Your "Why"

Finding your purpose fuels dedication, resilience, and the drive to conquer obstacles. Your unique "why" is the compass guiding you to greatness.

Data Empowers Intuition

Data Empowers Intuition

While raw talent and intuitive decision-making remain the cornerstone of success, let data serve as the compass, guiding you towards unparalleled results.