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  • AI Interrogator: AI, Data, and the Future of Healthcare with Lauren Bevan

    February 21, 2024


  • Proper data labelling in healthcare for AI applications is critical. There is a need for a more comprehensive approach to capturing rich and nuanced information within medical records to enhance the effectiveness of AI algorithms.
  • Startups in the healthcare AI sector face challenges. Governments and organizations need to create an environment that encourages innovation while streamlining regulatory processes, ensuring that promising solutions are not hindered by excessive barriers to entry.

About Lauren Bevan

Lauren Bevan

As director of consulting at Ethical Healthcare Consulting, Lauren leads the delivery teams on projects and is responsible for the external-facing brand and its propositions. With a clinical, financial and technology background, she has worked for almost 20 years on helping the health and social care system in the UK and overseas to be more responsive to patient needs and to reduce waste and frustrations of clinical and opera-tional staff of the sector – including senior roles at BJSS, EY, PwC and the NHS. She’s a firm proponent of boring basics and would like to see a day when the NHS has nothing keyed into an aged Excel spreadsheet.