
USA Today: At 25, Infosys is India's most admired, best-known global brand

‘Today, many young Indian engineers shun offers from global giants like IBM to work at Infosys, where just one of every 100 applicants is accepted.’

In a news story published in its Technology section, USA Today has described Infosys as India's most admired and best-known global brand. The news story traces Infosys' history through seminal moments in the company's 25-year history and salutes the vision of Infosys' founders.

According to the report: “Twenty-five years on, repeated surveys say Infosys Technologies, now headquartered in the high-tech city of Bangalore, is India's most admired company, and the outsourcing giant is the country's best-known brand in the global market.”

In a related story titled ‘Infosys kicks up growth mode’ (August 2, 2006), USA Today reported that Infosys is well equipped to take on the challenge from global incumbents on its home turf.

According to the report: ‘In recent years, Indian outsourcing giants such as Infosys revolutionized the high-tech industry, forcing Western outsourcing firms to dramatically change their business models and cut costs by using lower-paid engineers, computer scientists and other employees based overseas.’

On July 31, Infosys became the first company to open the NASDAQ stock market from India. Infosys executives participated in ringing the symbolic opening bell from Mysore, India to open the trading day at the NASDAQ Stock Market in New York half a hemisphere away. The event significantly underscored that the business world is indeed flattening. To compete in the changing economy, organizations must shift their operational priorities.

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Infosys kicks up growth mode (USA TODAY, August 2, 2006)

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Seminal moments in the first 25 years - 1981-2006.

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In the Headlines

At 25, Infosys is India's most admired, best-known brand
USA Today, July 30, 2006

Infosys kicks up growth mode
USA Today, August 2, 2006

Bell rings for freedom of markets in India
The Times, August 1, 2006

Infosys at 25 faces new challenges
Computerworld, August 1, 2006