The client is a leading US-based manufacturer of power solutions. They have a large pool of employees spread across more than 50 geographies.

The client wanted to streamline talent management and enhance the employee experience to attract and retain qualified talent. However, they lacked a structured employee engagement program to cater to the vast employee base. They chose Infosys to implement a global survey using Qualtrics and glean actionable insights for effective employee engagement.

Key Challenges

  • A large segment of employees was offline, i.e., they did not have real-time access to emails
  • The lack of any recent employee engagement surveys meant the absence of baseline KPIs for measurement
  • Since the manufacturer operated in over 50 countries, the planned survey had to adhere to different local guidelines and employment laws along with requisite approvals, such as from the European Works Councils worker’s council in European countries
  • Lack of clear methodology to improve/enhance employee engagement and reduce attrition

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The Solution

The client decided to revamp their entire employee experience starting with an annual employee engagement survey that would later extend to other important touchpoints during an employee’s journey.

  • Advisory and re-design: Infosys provided advisory services to the client to design the annual engagement survey. The key indices chosen were leadership, wellness, inclusion, and overall experience
  • Segregation of duties: By segregating duties, Infosys created roles and permissions in Qualtrics to maintain confidentiality of sensitive data. The design was such that two people had to combine their access permissions in order to attribute response data to the actual employee. This helped assure the about the privacy and confidentiality of the survey’s responses
  • Prototype approach: To overcome the challenge of no available baseline, Infosys suggested prototyping the survey through a pilot launch in a chosen business unit. This ensured that the survey’s KPIs satisfied the insights required by the talent management team

Infosys helps design and deliver superior employee experience using Qualtrics

  • Helped the client implement a Qualtrics-based employee engagement survey by providing advisory and technology consulting services
  • Assisted in redesigning and redefining employee engagement programs based on the survey feedback
  • Proactively convinced the European work council on data anonymity by segregating duties, thus ensuring one global survey for all employees
  • Conducted various workshops to understand the reporting needs of the client
  • Created a set of logical organizational hierarchies that replicated the multi-dimensional data view and analysis required by different stakeholders in the organization


Streamlined processes by collecting employee inputs and collating actionable insights on a single platform

Gained robust and actionable insights about employee experiences at all levels of the organization that are then classified as tactical and strategic

Enhanced the employee experience using these insights. Tactical insights were quickly actioned to resolve issues, demonstrating attentiveness to the survey results. The strategic action plans will create a re-engineered employee experience with key survey checkpoints to monitor progress

Increased employee engagement by leveraging survey results to identify areas of success and improvement

Faster decision-making on employee-focused programs by using survey data and past successes. For example, the survey helped the client understand the desire for employee wellness programs and how to continuously improve these in future