
API Days 2021 Live- APIs and the Future of Software

API Days 2021 Live- APIs and the Future of Software

nbn and Infosys co-presented at the apidays Live Paris -APIs and the Future of Software, December 7-9 . API Days Live Paris- APIs and the Future of Software

It was a discussion filled with experienced based insights where the panel discussed how APIs are now taking over the Digital infrastructure universe – this new direction forces companies to think in terms of API and develop an API mindset. The discussion also covered how a business today can achieve is true potential using APIs be it new business models, platform models, partnerships, distribution channels and cloud

Chris Cullin
Chris Cullin

General Manager, DSO Excellence, nbn

Focus on engineering wide continuous improvement by fostering innovation and empowering software development teams

Shreshta Shyamsundar
Shreshta Shyamsundar

Senior Principal Technology Architect, Infosys

Focus on delivering on exponential API/MS maturity uplift through a means of standardisation and consistent implementation techniques at nbn

At apidays Paris, they explore the business and the technical sides of how to navigate the API industry landscape in all its different layers, and focus on:

Solution Scaling

API-Enabled Digital Transformation & Business of APIs

Solution Scaling

API Design and API Lifecycle

Solution Scaling

API Security and Identity

Solution Scaling

API Documentation and Developer Experience

Solution Scaling

Sustainable Software & Low Carbon IT

Solution Scaling

API Governance and Architecture

Solution Scaling

API Specifications and Standards

Solution Scaling


Solution Scaling


Solution Scaling

APIs, Ethics, Technology and Society

The apidays Paris conference attracted 3,000+ participants.