
A Fireside Chat With Mohit Joshi

Enterprises across the globe are taking great strides in becoming ‘digital-ready’ organizations in order to stay relevant and competitive in this digital era. The impact of digital technologies and its evolution across various industries, even though at different speeds, is very exciting to watch and capitalize. Banking, one of the key industries, is greatly impacted by this technological revolution and as a result, there is an increasing need for traditional banking institutions to embrace digital technology and be at par or above with the rising threat of new-age fintechs.

Phil Fersht, HFS CEO and Chief Analyst, recently had a candid conversation with Mohit Joshi, President, Infosys about how Mohit’s thoughts on banking sector, impact of technology in this sector and the future of Infosys in this market. In this two-part interview, Mohit shares his insightful observations on the banking industry as a whole and how he thinks the industry will evolve, as more banks start to welcome digital transformation. He also discusses in detail about how Infosys as an organization, which has a great track record as a technology provider in this industry, will develop in the coming years and what are the key challenges & opportunities that he expects in that journey.

Read on to know more about Mohit’s views on industry trends, Infosys’ success in this space, how Infosys must adapt to remain relevant in the future and about the wider IT services market.

Part I - A Fireside Chat with Mohit Joshi: The Banking Industry Must Invest in Technology to Make Sense in the New Economy

Part II - A Fireside Chat with Mohit Joshi: Introspection and Understanding Why Clients Pick Their Partners Are the Keys to Success