
Infosys IP frameworks recommend content while streaming high quality VoD

Video on Demand (VoD) service providers should offer subscribers rich content across genres. In addition, viewers should be able to select content and access it on their preferred device. However, bandwidth limitations of telecommunication networks result in buffering, long download duration, and below par video quality.

The Infosys Media and Entertainment practice developed a recommendation engine that helps users find relevant content from a vast content catalog. Further, we created a content delivery framework that addresses the constraints of network bandwidth in resource-intensive VoD service. Our inventions for ready access and uninterrupted video data transfer have been granted patents by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Our recommendation engine minimizes network bandwidth requirement for content streaming by ranking video files in a hierarchical network (distributed architecture) based on turnaround time. It maps a subscriber’s search parameters with historical viewing patterns, reviews and comments, social analytics, and promotions to recommend content in response to a VoD search query.

Our grid-based video on demand system for near real-time delivery of multimedia content and video conferencing is superior to adaptive streaming systems. It eliminates setup latency and ensures consistent quality by transmitting video data over a grid infrastructure network. Significantly, our system incorporates interactive features such as pause, rewind and fast forward.