Continuously Evaluate the DevOps Strategy

Anupama Rathi

Anupama Rathi, AVP, Head of DevOps COE, Infosys
Anupama has nearly 3 decades of IT experience and leads DevOps practice for Infosys. With her rich experience in DevOps, she has helped many Infosys customers to scale their DevOps adoption to higher maturity.

The prevalence of DevOps adoption is indisputable. The benefits of DevOps, such as quality, reliability, and time-to-market improvement, are well-proven. Cost saving is another advantage that DevOps brought, which was mainly attributed to infra-automation. No wonder, 45% of Agile leaders studied in a CIO survey by Gartner in 2022 said they consistently used DevOps across their organization.

With DevOps adoption becoming mainstream and CICD the normal way of working, the initial excitement of CICD adoption is over. Organizations are now moving towards mature DevOps adoption and are looking to scale DevOps at an enterprise level. The first step to maturity and scale is for organizations to assess how DevOps was adopted in the past and whether it needs any course correction. They also need to verify whether the CICD adoption helped them derive all the benefits they were pursuing. Organizations also need to start structurally defining metrics and KPIs to ensure that the benefits of DevOps scaling can be measured.

DevOps adoption needs continuous evaluation to be effective

Initially, DevOps adoption in most organizations was organic as they experimented with some of their applications adopting CICD automation. Their success inspired other applications and later other portfolios in an organization to adopt CICD, resulting in an accelerated organic adoption of DevOps. However, the extensive DevOps adoption created various challenges.

When we assessed multiple organizations across various domains that claimed to have good maturity in DevOps adoption, we discovered a few common and persistent problems which needed immediate attention and resolution. The top two problems were:

  1. Only a handful of applications achieved quality and speed benefits, but not all
  2. DevOps implementation and maintenance costs exceeded the planned cost

Read on to know more about the root cause of these two problems and how to course-correct the DevOps strategy in this article featuring in the German tier one publication dev-insider – a part of the Vogel IT-Medien GmbH which focuses on topics around software development of mobile and web apps, DevOps as well as software management and welcomes over 60k unique monthly visitors.

Click here to read the article.