
Inside Infosys’ Metaverse journey

Metaverse offers new digital possibilities for enterprises to reach global audiences, drive engagement, create meaningful connections, develop leadership opportunities and much more. Companies across the globe to exploring how they can leverage metaverse to drive their businesses in future.

As a proactive digital transformational partner for clients worldwide, Infosys wanted to make the journey of businesses to metaverse a smooth sail. So, we recently came up with Infosys Metaverse Foundry. Foundry enables clients to have an on-demand ability to create their own metaverse environment securely and efficiently.

Gopikrishnan Konnanath, Senior VP, Global Head of Engineering Services and Blockchain at Infosys, shared insights about Infosys Metaverse Foundry and how it enables businesses to create their own metaverse in a learn-fast, build-faster environment in a podcast with DQ DeepTech.

Listen to this DataQuest DeepTech podcast here.