
Teknowlogy Group (PAC) & Infosys whitepaper: Next-generation Cyber Defense Center – Are You Ready?

Today, cybersecurity is a number one priority for businesses. With advanced threats and technologies rising rapidly, security teams often find themselves a step behind. Cybercriminals identify security vulnerabilities and target businesses relentlessly via multiple attack vectors. Organizations therefore need to accommodate new and technologically advanced elements to ensure that their businesses remain relevant.

Most enterprises need professional help in the cybersecurity domain as talent is rare and expensive while the risk vectors are often overwhelming. Capable service providers are a handy option.

Wolfgang Schwab, Head of Cyber Security, PAC | teknowlogy


In order to design, operate, and manage cyber security in an enterprise effectively, it is necessary to have a clear overview of the topic, and actions have to be taken in a consistent and correlated manner. CDCs bring together best-in class skills and constantly updated solutions, providing noiseless security operations round-the-clock through a world-class network of interconnected, global facilities.

This whitepaper attempts to examine and elucidate the fundamental aspects that need to be considered in order to secure an organization robustly and mitigate all possible threats or breaches.

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About teknowlogy Group

teknowlogy Group is the partner of choice for European focused IT market data, insights and advice. It brings together the expertise of two research and advisory firms, each with a strong history and local presence in the fragmented markets of Europe: CXP and PAC (Pierre Audoin Consultants). The company is the preferred partner for European user companies to define IT strategy, govern teams and projects, and de-risk technology choices that drive successful business transformation. The team has a second-to-none understanding of market trends and IT users’ expectations. The team helps software vendors and IT services companies better shape, execute and promote their own strategy in coherence with market needs and in anticipation of tomorrow’s expectations.

Capitalizing on more than 40 years of experience, the teknowlogy Group is active worldwide with a network of 50 experts.

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