
Infosys meta data driven boundary less data lake solution on AWS cloud

Organizations are daily struggling with data challenges. Data is the life-line of the enterprise that aspires to be digital. It is that strategic asset that helps a business learn about evolving opportunities, hidden threats, changing business expectations, and the competitive landscape.

We help our clients adopt data-driven approach to ubiquitously create value from data and connect all the dots. We provide advice and implement solutions to help them become more efficient and innovative with their data-driven initiatives.

It's our point of view that building cloud-based enterprise data lake should be meta data driven & boundary less.

Infosys data and analytics practice recommends meta data driven boundary less data lake solution for modernizing analytics platform, as its adoption has substantial benefits. Infosys is a global premier consulting and managed services partner of AWS. It offers integrated consulting and technology solutions that take advantage of the flexibility and economics of cloud wherein IT and business services are delivered on demand. Through our partnership, we ensure that you receive the right expertise and tools for migration, transformation, and management of workloads on the cloud; while building successful AWS-based businesses.

We bring together AWS capabilities, needed to optimize and drive our customers' business and IT priorities with cloud competencies - right from foundational layers to the portfolio of applications-as -services.

Our proven suite of AWS services, industry blueprints, and platforms, together with our experience in successfully completing hundreds of cloud transformation programs, have enabled enterprises to increase business agility and improve the resilience of their IT landscape.

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