To ensure application stability after any production event like a release or incident, the client does weekly production health checks on 100+ critical business applications, with a limited time to perform the tests.

The weekly health checks had a huge dependency on a separate automation team and the project schedules of all applications. Client was looking for a solution with self-service capability to enable on-demand, stakeholder-managed health checks at any point of time.

Key challenges

  • Long running test cycles and suboptimal usage of infrastructure due to manual interventions
  • The existing solution had dependency on one small team with limited bandwidth
  • Difficulty in tracking execution of health checks
  • Complicated automation requirement across multiple technologies

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The Solution

Read-only health checks with fully automatic DevOps-driven digital platform

Infosys created a solution with which automatic validations can be performed at any point in time by IT (App dev, IT support), infrastructure and QA users. The solution is an industry-first at this scale. Jenkins was used as the orchestration tool for enabling continuous testing pipeline.

  • Robust lab of 100+ virtual machines was created to support distributed, parallel and zero touch execution of automation scripts
  • Automation script migration of 75+ web applications done to open source tools using Full-Stack Modular Automation framework
  • REST APIs are exposed to enable integration with external applications or CI/CD pipelines
  • An automated Continuous Testing (CT) pipeline built on Jenkins with advanced load balancing and job queuing logic
  • Jenkins pipelines contain advanced error handling logic for automated abort and retry execution
  • Shift-left approach by re-purposing scripts on lower environment to identify application and probable script changes well before they are deployed in production
  • Solution scalability achieved via external facing APIs to integrate test assets with other applications
  • Power BI dashboard metrics created for weekly, monthly metrics using data analyzed from all sources used in project

24/7 availability of test scripts for execution across 100+ applications

  • 1000+ test scripts available at any time for authorized testers from any team
  • Custom Jenkins tasks and self-healing capabilities
  • Parallel or distributed execution and dynamic load sharing for optimal usage of lab machines
  • Orchestrated, on-demand and scheduled execution feature with the ability to view current and historic test results


30% increase in production stability

Availability of fast and transparent results for quick decision-making

Increased speed to market for all critical applications