
WEF 2020

Infosys Lounge @ The Panasia Gallery, Promenade 91, Davos Platz

Date: January 21 - 24, 2020

What an exciting week at the World Economic Forum 2020. For the 50th Annual Meeting, the Forum focused its convening power, community engagement and platform capabilities to support global, regional and national initiatives that generate positive impact for all stakeholders. The Infosys delegation was led by Nandan Nilekani, Salil Parekh, Mohit Joshi, Ravi Kumar S and Skyler Mattson.


WEF 2020 Highlights



Be a Live Enterprise

In an era fuelled by digital disruptions, the opportunities to create value are diverse and plentiful. Today, enterprises are advancing on their digital transformation journey to adapt to rapidly changing markets, business needs, and consumer preferences. As organizations adapt to changing technology, business, and customer demands, a new breed of enterprises must emerge -- the Live Enterprise. A connected enterprise that senses and processes information, from the past and in real-time, to respond intelligently and effectively to its environment.

But beyond the enterprise is the wide world of opportunity, one that is ripe for further progress and advancement, where communities are empowering of its citizens, responsive to problems, and collaborative where it is now fragmented and divisive. Technology is the great leveller of our times! And, at Infosys, we recognize the opportunity. The opportunity to make a difference, to create a lasting impact, and to elevate humanity, one small step at a time. As players on the world stage, we are aware that the path to amplified human productivity is best navigated with responsible technological stewardship.



Click on each session to watch video


WEF Diaries

Insights from Davos


Experience Showcase at Infosys Pavilion

Tennis Platform
Tennis Platform

A game of tennis holds several stories that go beyond mere scores. Data insights and digital experiences unearth stories to thrill fans, improve player performance and be newsworthy.

Cyber Next showcase
Cyber Next showcase

It can take 229 days to detect a cyberthreat. How can we respond faster to minimize impact? Cyber Gaze, a single-pane reporting tool and Cyber Next, an integrated platform can help.

Digital Radar 2020
Digital Radar 2020

Digital Radar 2020 continues the 2019 digital transformation narrative across 12 industries and seven countries assessing their digital capabilities to turn into 'Live Enterprises'.

Live Enterprise
Live Enterprise

For incumbent enterprises, transforming into agile, responsive entities, at enterprise scale is a compelling business imperative. In other words, how they can become Live Enterprises.


Infosys Digital Radar

Research Findings

Infosys Digital Radar 2020: Breaking through the digital ceiling

Digital Radar 2020 shows that getting the most from technology has grown tougher. The report finds growing adoption of digital initiatives across industries and regions. But as companies advance, they have hit a "digital ceiling." There's a level at which all the easy benefits of technology implementations have been achieved.

Read more

Contact us

Should you have any queries regarding Infosys at WEF 2020, we'll be happy to help. Please email us at wef@infosys.com