Pistoia Alliance drives cutting-edge R&D on the cloud


Infosys is a founding member of the Pistoia Alliance that streamlines drug discovery through common data standards and reusable components. In a discussion about innovations in pharmaceutical technology (IPT), R. Arun Kumar – Board Member of Pistoia Alliance, and Vice President and Global Head, Life Sciences practice, Infosys, explains the objective of the alliance.

The Pistoia Alliance has more than 45 life science companies, informatics providers, service providers, academic groups, and publishers. It drives innovation through collaboration and harmonized research workflows. Proprietary and public databases of gene / sequence information hosted on the cloud reduce operational and infrastructure management costs, in addition to helping companies address challenges in gene data management.

Infosys helps member companies assess their R&D structure, conduct comparative analysis and undertake transformation programs to rebuild the drug pipeline. We also help them articulate value for short- and long-term investments.