Rebuild a New Workspace for a New Workforce

Conferencing solutions. Productivity apps. Collaboration tools. The enterprise has all this and more, but what it is missing is a platform that can orchestrate it all, and more, from one place. The live enterprise needs a live workplace platform.

Today’s elastic workforce demands greater flexibility in handling work. They expect a smooth, seamless, consumer-like experience from their workplace. This is whew a live enterprise suite like Infosys Meridian fits in, offering superior technologies to the new worker who needs instant, on-the-go access to data and resources without the hassles of shuffling between multiple application panes.

Read this PoV, authored by authored by Thirumala Arohi Mamunooru – SVP and Head, Education, Training and Assessments, Infosys; and Prajith Nair – Lead Principal and Head of Innovation, Education, Training and Assessments, Infosys, to know more.
