
Configuration Lifecycle Management Gives a Competitive Edge to B2B Manufacturers

Today’s B2B manufacturers are experiencing more challenges than ever. For example, personalization demands, supply chain instabilities and siloed IT systems result in longer sales cycles, more lead time to introduce new products and slow growth. This combination of market (external) and efficiency (internal) challenges requires new strategies and business models. Personalization demands high product configuration, which, in turn, involves responsiveness and agility from all functions across the organization.

This whitepaper discusses how Configuration Lifecycle Management (CLM) can help B2B companies, technical highlights, and success stories across industries. In addition, it delves into the trends, the exponential business value unlocked, and the competitive advantage gained through CLM.

Configuration is a critical cross-functional topic as departments, from marketing, sales and service, and engineering to manufacturing, require reliable and up-to-date product configuration information to perform their activities efficiently and accurately. That’s where CLM can help as it creates an enterprise ecosystem focused on the digitalized end-to-end product configuration lifecycle management process.

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