AWS re:Invent

AWS re:Invent is an AWS-hosted learning conference for the cloud computing community worldwide. The big event offers keynote statements, opportunities for training and certification, access to more than 1,500 technical workshops, the Expo, after-hours parties, and more. AWS re:Invent 2023 is slotted to take place between 27th November and 1st December in Las Vegas.

Say Hello to iCETS @ Booth #694, The Venetian's Expo Hall

The Infosys Lounge
The Infosys Lounge

Get to Know: Infosys Center for Emerging Technology Solutions (iCETS)

The incubation center of Infosys called the ‘Infosys Center for Emerging Technology Solutions’ (iCETS), focuses on the incubation of NextGen services and offerings by identifying and building technology capabilities to accelerate innovation. The current areas of incubation include Generative AI, AI/ML, Metaverse, Blockchain, Computer Vision, 5G, Conversational Interfaces, Deep Learning, and much more.

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Infosys at Re:Invent

Infosys is a premium AWS partner and has early access to new Generative AI services from AWS. A strong alliance partnership connection between Infosys and AWS helps with rapid prototyping and future-proofing of solutions and ideas. Being an AI-first organization, Infosys has started integrating AWS generative AI capabilities with Infosys Topaz offerings, including Infosys Cortex, Infosys Personalized Smart Video (PSV), and Infosys Conversational AI Suite. Infosys is adopting AWS Generative AI across different solutions like Infosys LEAP, Infosys Cyber Next, Infosys Data Services Suite (iDSS), Infosys Enterprise Data Privacy Suite (iEDPS), and many more.

The Infosys Lounge

The long-standing partnership between AWS and iCETS has been leveraged for:

Scaled GTM
Pursuing Large Deals
Solution Scaling
Curating Startups
System Integrator
Partnering in Emerging Technology
Infosys Platform Integration
Multiple Platform & Service Offerings
Sneak Peek into iCETS Solutions

Words to Videos: Turn your ideas into videos with Infosys PSV & AWS Gen AI - In today’s digital era, with the advent of social media and social networks, video is the most sought-after medium for any kind of communication. Videos, when supported with a significant amount of personalized data completely redefine the engagement with the customers and are the absolute need for enterprises that value customers. Infosys Personalized Smart Video (PSV) is a highly scalable real-time video personalization platform that leverages various in-built personalization elements to transform a generic video message into a highly intuitive and personalized video communication.

Smarter Spaces: AWS Gen AI-powered image redesigns – Digital commerce is exploding in a world where consumers are demanding more, and delivering incredible consumer experience is at the heart of each business. Adding compelling new experiences to drive sales, like personalized recommendations, better product search, advanced chatbots, product interactions, and visual commerce, are the key differentiators.

Gen AI-powered inpainting models allow shoppers to view products in their own homes or businesses before deciding to make a purchase. Customers can virtually try on clothing and accessories, and how a new kitchen mixer will look, like on their countertops, without ever having to leave their computer, and that’s a big difference. This, when aligned with the try before you buy the concept, will give customers a new level of confidence.

Automated self-checkout – Computer Vision-based automated self-checkout counters can leverage the inpainting technology to completely mask the unwanted area in a particular image and then recreate the complete 3D model of the missing part of the product. This is very helpful in reducing the false positives while scanning.

Staying Rooted Going Global: Infosys Cortex Language Neutralization with AWS Gen AI – We all live in a global economic world where businesses operate across different nations and provide services to people with different cultural and lingual backgrounds. From a customer service standpoint in a global economy, effective communication with multilingual support is the need of the hour. Agent experience and customer experience are significantly boosted due to Generative AI. The language neutralization capabilities in Infosys Cortex - an AI-driven customer engagement platform that transforms contact center operations through purposeful communication. Bedrock’s powerful language translation models are helping us translate customer queries in a non-English language to English in real-time.

JWO Store insights - Unlocking the possibilities: The retail industry has always been challenging and thereby, continuously evolving. Over the last few years, retail businesses are adopting the right technology and leveraging data to make the cashier-less experience work seamlessly both for shoppers and retailers. In JWO (Just Walk Out) enabled retail stores, shoppers are uniquely identified as soon as they enter a virtual cart as they take hold of the items and leave the store without any billing queue or checkout process, post, which automated payment processing happens. From a retailer standpoint, they now have the in-store visualization capability that empowers them with various KPIs in real-time, such as customer footfalls, average dwell time of customers, movement of items from different zones, zone footfall density, and many more. This visualization dashboard is specially built for JWO-enabled autonomous stores and helps improve the retail store KPIs and end cap optimization.

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