
“Infosys Shifts Its QA Portfolio in a Post COVID-19 World”: A blog by NelsonHall

Dominique Raviart, IT Services Practice Director, NelsonHall has published a blog on how Infosys Quality Engineering practice is adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic crisis. In the blog, Dominique talks about how IVS’ focus is now gradually shifting from ensuring business continuity and enabling its employees to work from home to ‘realigning its go-to-market priorities’.

Key highlights from the blog:

  • Infosys Quality Engineering expects shift in clients’ QA needs and acceleration in shift to Digital
  • Accelerated adoption of cloud computing both in terms of testing applications to the cloud and SaaS adoption
  • Increased acceptance for crowd testing
  • Increase in acceptance for home working and distributed agile beyond the pandemic
  • Continued acceleration of digital learning adoption
  • New delivery models to drive demand around capabilities such as data security and privacy, risk, and compliance audits
  • IVS will be increasing focus on testing open-source software, test process re-engineering combined with RPA

Read the complete blog here.