Balance sheet including intangible assets

As at March 31,

in Rs. crore
  2010 2009
Shareholders' funds    
Share capital 286 286
Reserves and surplus    
Capital reserves – intangible assets 1,50,194 1,34,478
Other reserves 22,763 17,968
Deferred tax liability 232 37
  1,73,475 1,52,769
Minority interest
  1,73,475 1,52,769
Fixed assets    
At cost 7,839 7,093
Less : Accumulated depreciation 2,893 2,416
Net block 4,946 4,677
Add : Capital work-in-progress 409 677
  5,355 5,354
Intangible assets    
Brand value 36,907 32,345
Human resources 1,13,287 1,02,133
  1,50,194 1,34,478
Investments 3,712
Deferred tax assets 432 163
Current assets, loans and advances    
Sundry debtors 3,494 3,672
Cash and bank balances 10,556 9,695
Loans and advances 4,187 3,279
  18,237 16,646
Less : Current liabilities and provisions    
Current liabilities 2,343 2,004
Provisions 2,112 1,868
Net current assets 13,782 12,774
  1,73,475 1,52,769
Notes :      The figures above are based on consolidated Indian GAAP financial statements.
This Balance Sheet is provided for the purpose of information only. We accept no responsibility for any direct, indirect or consequential losses or damages suffered by any person relying on the same.