Schedules to the Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2010

16.2.1. Aggregate expenses

The aggregate amounts incurred on expenses are as follows:

In Rs.
Year ended March 31,
  2010 2009
Salaries and bonus including overseas staff expenses 4,99,65,21,907 3,97,29,26,603
Contribution to provident and other funds 19,85,359 14,96,886
Staff welfare 1,86,48,523 2,45,01,504
Group health insurance 1,35,83,725 1,36,79,927
Overseas travel expenses 17,27,50,379 17,56,67,706
Visa charges and others 1,32,55,294 1,49,07,006
Travel and conveyance 4,71,45,974 6,35,75,931
Technical sub-contractors - subsidiaries 48,43,38,149 14,14,71,055
Software packages    
For own use 7,83,19,925 1,53,25,937
Professional charges 10,45,27,122 8,95,33,240
Telephone charges 4,99,65,21,907 3,97,29,26,603


In Rs.
 Year ended March 31,
  2010 2009
Communication expenses 1,39,56,509 35,06,272
Power and fuel 71,07,887 75,14,897
Office maintenance 4,37,90,607 3,96,00,369
Guest house maintenance 93,800 97,819
Commission charges    
Brand building 28,33,329 3,92,900
Rent 12,56,62,138 11,34,84,761
Insurance charges 42,06,883 44,93,874
Computer maintenance 51,45,173 22,64,090
Printing and stationery 57,45,719 66,78,130
Consumables 1,39,80,399 88,36,663
Donations 40,36,152 6,59,788
Advertisements 10,63,941 6,53,887
Marketing expenses 2,84,90,957 2,86,51,801
Repairs to building 1,85,971 1,13,958
Repairs to plant and machinery 24,27,774 11,40,419
Rates and taxes 72,06,236 65,75,920
Professional membership and seminar participation fees 54,37,780 46,87,372
Postage and courier 33,03,749 31,48,659
Provision for post-sales client support and warranties  – (30,86,044)
Books and periodicals 11,92,889 14,60,362
Provision for bad and doubtful debts 3,91,776 9,37,650
Provision for doubtful loans and advances 37,934  –
Sales promotion expenses 4,86,228 12,38,933
Freight charges 13,61,615 10,36,789
Bank charges and commission 7,29,718 20,57,876
Auditor's remuneration    
Statutory audit fees 31,77,726 29,31,766
Others 9,082  –
Out-of-pocket expenses 15,271 1,426
Research grants 85,62,228 79,84,237
Miscellaneous expenses 63,936 37,43,094
  6,35,99,60,290 4,88,85,01,296


16.2.2. Operating leases

In Rs.
As at March 31 ,
Commitments for minimum lease payments in relation to non-cancellable operating leases contracted at the reporting date but not recognized as liabilities, are payable as follows:    
Within one year 15,17,38,727 9,71,44,576
Later than one year but not later than five years 49,09,28,372 36,40,90,763
Later than five years 38,01,09,935 41,21,43,847
Commitments not recognized in the financial statements 1,02,27,77,034 87,33,79,186

The Company leases property under non-cancellable operating leases expiring from two to ten years. Leases generally provide the company with a right of renewal at which terms are renegotiated. Lease payments comprise a base amount plus an incremental contingent rental. Contingent rentals are based on either operating criteria or movements in the Consumer Price Index. The lease payments will be increased at a fixed percentage after five years.

16.2.3. Capital Commitments and Contingent Liabilities

In Rs.
As at March 31,
  2010 2009
Estimated amount of unexecuted capital contracts 96,42,559
(net of advances and deposits)    


16.2.3. Cash and bank balances

In Rs.
Balance as on March 31, 2010
b) CITI BANK 1,93,48,210
Total 3,48,42,71,338


16.2.4. Fixed assets

In Rs
Year ended March 31,

2010 2009
Depreciation charged during the year 15,71,39,041 5,37,95,856


16.2.5 Provision for doubtful debts

Periodically, the Company evaluates all customer dues to the Company for collectability. The need for provisions is assessed based on various factors including collectability of specific dues, risk perceptions of the industry in which the customer operates, general economic factors, which could affect the customer’s ability to settle. The Company normally provides for debtor dues outstanding for 180 days or longer as at the Balance Sheet date. As at March 31, 2010 the company has provided for doubtful debts of Rs. 1387546 (Rs. 1425968 as at March 31, 2009) on dues from certain customers although the outstanding amounts were less than 180 days old, since the amounts were considered doubtful of recovery. The company pursues the recovery of the dues, in part or full.