Infosys Joins Industrial Affiliates Program to Democratize AI

Infosys today announced that it has joined Stanford University’s DAWN Industrial Affiliates Program, a five-year research project with the goal of democratizing AI by making it dramatically easier to build production-ready, AI-powered applications. Infosys pledges $2M to fund research into a range of areas including cognitive automation, insights and services as machine learning becomes even more paramount for mainstream AI systems.

The membership provides Infosys with:

  • Invitations to technical retreats every 6 months
  • Invitations to on-campus workshops on DAWN technologies (e.g., Snorkel hackathon, MacroBase hackathon, etc.)—and opportunities to engage with students
  • An opportunity to serve on the DAWN advisory board, thus providing input on industry considerations
  • Early access to software prototypes that we develop, under a permissive open source license
  • Access to faculty members and students to discuss research and pursue collaboration

Infosys plans to advance its initiatives in computer vision, speech, planning and information retrieval, in particular, by interacting with students and faculty, whether that be through retreats, workshops, seminars, and conferences.