
Strategic business growth for most companies involves an end-to-end digital transformation and improved customer experience, which in turn requires migration to market-leading packages such as SAP, Oracle, SFDC, Pega and others. Data plays a key role in successful migrations and this needs a package-specific data validation strategy. Infosys Package Data Testing offering has pre-built readily deployable package-specific validation frameworks, enabling faster time-to-market at 30% lower cost.

All market-leading package implementations including SAP (CRM, BW, HR), S/4HANA, SFDC, Pega, Oracle packages need extensive data validation. The data model, data organization and data integrity rules are different for each package. Conversion of legacy data needs extensive validation for meeting the package-specific requirements. Infosys Package Data Testing offering provides re-usable data validation frameworks that significantly reduce the migration risk and cost, improve data accuracy and ensure successful migration in first attempt.

Want to ensure complete and secure data migration to latest package?

talk to our experts

Infosys Package Data Testing solution offers pre-built package-specific data conversion validation frameworks for SAP (CRM, BW, HR), S/4HANA, SFDC, Pega and Oracle packages. The validation approach for all these packages covers data migration for these scenarios:

  • from legacy systems
  • from existing to latest version of packages
  • package movement-to-cloud validation
  • BI reporting and dashboards migration

This enables faster time to market, improves customer experience and reduces migration validation cost by 30%.


Challenges & Solutions

Ready-to-use package-specific business rules and data integrity rules for quick validation. Exhaustive data validation to cover all critical and necessary customer data for 100% automated test coverage.

Machine Learning based early analysis and validation of legacy meta-data and data models across all data sources and interfaces which ensures complete validation and faster time-to-market

Automated data quality and data integrity validation using Infosys Data Validation workbench

End-to-end validation of data flow and reporting using package specific validation framework to ensure accurate data flow, integration and reporting