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The Digital Accessibility Journey: Exploring Priorities and Investments in Aus and NZ organisations

Did the physical limitations caused by the pandemic accelerate digital access?

Extent pandemic has shifted the focus on Digital Accessibility:

Extent pandemic has shifted the focus on Digital Accessibility View accessible version of the infographic.

The restrictions caused by the pandemic have significantly accelerated digital adoption and transformation in all sectors. For two in five businesses, this has welcomed a stronger focus on Digital Accessibility. But a difficult and disruptive pandemic has also meant that priorities have shifted away from Digital Accessibility for a full quarter of survey respondents.

  • The public sector saw the biggest positive shift, while progress in privately-owned businesses slowed
  • Hospitality and Tourism was significantly impacted and demonstrated the least progress.
  • Larger organisations with revenues of $50m or more are more likely to experience a positive shift.

Net shift in Digital Accessibility progress:

Net shift in Digital Accessibility progress View accessible version of the infographic.