Think Flat
Annual Report
Think flat
Passing the management baton
The year at a glance
Letter to the shareholder
The Infosys Board of Directors
The Infosys management council
Awards for Excellence 2006-07
Board, Committees and MC Invitees
CEO and CFO certification
Directors' report
Annexure to the directors' report
Directors' responsibility statement
Management's discussion and analysis
Auditors' report
Balance sheet
Profit and loss account
Cash flow statement
Balance sheet abstract and company's general business profile
Consolidated financial statement
Risk management report
Corporate governance report
Shareholder information
Share price chart
Frequently asked questions 13
Select historical data
Select historical data [Contd.]
Revenue segmentation
Ratio analysis
Statutory obligations
Human resources valuation
Brand valuation
Balance sheet including intangible assets
Current-cost-adjusted financial statements
Intangible assets score sheet
Intangible assets score sheet [Contd.]
Economic Value-Added (EVA
) statement
Value Reporting
Management structure - Infosys Technologies Ltd.
Infosys Foundation
Report on environment, health and safety
Financial statements (unaudited) presented in substantial compliance with GAAP requirements of various countries and International Financial Reporting Standards and reports of substantial compliance with the respective corporate governance standards
Global Presence
Annual General Meeting (AGM) notice
Form 20F
Infosys Technologies Limited and subsidiaries
Form 20F [Contd.]
The year at a glance