The talent transformation

Jonquil Hackenberg

Partner – Infosys Consulting

With the demand for digital talent far outstripping its current supply, a multitude of newly-created roles are going unfilled. As businesses pivot more into digital operating models, we see a unique opportunity to help our clients embrace holistic talent transformation.

Our experience tells us this is a common challenge across all industries. It is unrealistic to assume that a majority of the digital jobs will be filled by STEM talent alone. The digital era’s new-collar worker will likely have a rich background in diverse disciplines, with a variety of perspectives that will serve as a real asset when tackling yet-to-bedefined business challenges.

In fact, at Infosys, we have trained and integrated – at scale – liberal arts experts and design talent, along with our developers, to work together to build digital solutions for our clients.

Having learned from these endeavors, we are fully equipped to help our clients better prepare their own legacy workforce for a bright and prosperous digital future. We share with them alternative education paths, that often include coding camps, online certification classes, training-on-employment and other types of vocational skilling, that have helped us build our own robust digital talent pipeline.

We are also mindful of the frenetic pace of work and life today that makes it hard for workers to take ‘learning breaks’. We believe, on-demand, job-relevant, modular learning delivered to the workforce throughout the period of their employment will bring transformational results.

For this reason, we offer to our clients Infosys Wingspan – our cloud and mobile-first learning solution, that is designed to provide modular interactive learning experiences, accessible anytime, anywhere and on any device. It facilitates a culture of lifelong learning and helps organizations reimagine their talent transformation experience – and open up to a more diverse workforce, reflective of a diverse customer base.

It’s not just the workforce, but also the workspace that must transform. Open, collaborative living labs-like setups amplified by automation, data-led insights and seamless employee experiences are more suited to the needs of the digital economy. We offer clients the use of our purpose-built digital proximity centers to bring these advantages to accelerate their talent transformation journey and maximize employee productivity.

By helping businesses manage the work-workforce-workplace transformation, we help them not only remove barriers that would otherwise have prevented them from fully participating in the modern economy, but we also ensure that they remain relevant in the future – and a Live Enterprise.

Krishnamurthy Shankar

Group Head – Human Resources and
Infosys Leadership Institute

The world of work is rapidly changing. A newfound digital fluency enables so many people to find and solve incredibly hard problems using software tools that seem to be getting sharper by the day. As jobs that were once executed by humans alone now become tasks jointly driven by humans and softwaredriven machines, the division of labor between the two is becoming stark. People must become better problem-finders because machines are evolving to be the more efficient problem-solver. Even better, as the gig economy grows stronger globally, human enterprise can now be scaled with as much flexibility as we scale the leverage of our digital helpers.

The Live Enterprise fully appreciates the reality of this blended nature of work and the need to transform its workplace and workforce in response. At Infosys, that’s our endeavor too.

We are transforming our workplaces into open, collaborative spaces allowing employees to connect with each other and co-create seamlessly. This makes for an agile, immersive environment conducive for ideas to take shape and innovations to be prototyped at speed. From paperless employee onboarding to information and applications on the go, we are also bringing a mobile-first convenience to our ways of working. For example, our InfyMe app is a window to the world of Infosys that every employee can access with a simple tap on the mobile. Compass and Lex are two other apps that are immensely popular among top‑performing employees seeking to proactively shape their careers to leverage emerging opportunities and to also develop corresponding skills. These are early manifestations of the connected, sentient digital world we are beginning to build for our people.

While the workplace is changing, so is our workforce. We have identified the digital skills essential for our people to thrive and are creating learning paths for them – through training, hackathons, lab hours, apprenticeships and on-the-job experience. We deeply acknowledge and incentivize skill-building in new digital areas, while our ‘Be the Navigator’ program encourages its proactive application to innovate and solve new problems within the client context.

With the accelerated pace of digital innovation, the simple fact is that keeping up with change and continuously striving to transform talent is hard work. Yet, embracing creative, people-first solutions and new ideas to ensure workers continue to be relevant for the future, is exactly the way the Live Enterprise would respond to the challenge. That has been our response too.