Transformation at the Speed of Talent Empowerment

How far an enteprise goes is determined by how far its talent can go. While technology may be the impetus, people are the real accelerators of change. Opening up platforms for them to innovate and being open to their perspectives will mould a workforce as fluid as the organization seeks to be. Exploring the ways to steward this shift were moderator Phil Fersht, CEO & Chief Analyst, HfS Research and a panel of change makers: Mark Voytek, Global Business Transformation Lead, EY; Juan Gomez-Reino, Transformation MD, Lloyds Banking Group; and Markus Kobler, Global Chief Financial Officer, Allianz Global Investors.


Key Takeaways

Find your moonshots faster

Find your moonshots faster

Flattening the opportunity to innovate can accelerate discovery of projects with 10x value. The key to doing so is putting together diversely skilled talent in small centers of excellence: to ideate and incubate the next big thing.

Lower the center of gravity

Lower the center of gravity

Punching above their weight may come naturally to some, if there’s a skillset and attitude to match. AI-enabled tools can track both enterprise-wide, identifying a new wave of doers and managers for the needs of the hour and beyond.

Complexity versus complicatedness

Complexity versus complicatedness

One is inevitable, the other isn’t. Newer technologies will result in increased organizational layers, but managing these layers calls for drastic simplification of governance. And never losing touch: go where the work is being done.

Don’t let familiarity stifle creativity

Don’t let familiarity stifle creativity

Common knowledge often hinders the vision of what’s uncommon. The worst thing that can happen in a changing environment is not being open to new ways of doing something, more so when it originates from those that do it everyday.