Today, let’s make a commitment to choose to challenge the status quo yearlong.

Start by raising your preferred hand to strike the #ChooseToChallenge pose

Start by raising your preferred hand to strike the #ChooseToChallenge pose

You could do it with a colleague, or for that matter, multiple colleagues. Have fun doing it.

Time to click

Time to click

Take a picture of yourself or a group striking the #ChooseToChallenge pose . Make sure you choose a nice background.

Make a statement

Make a statement

Read the commitments below and pick the one that resonates most with you

Post the picture and your commitment on your social media pages

Post the picture and your commitment on your social media pages

Don’t forget to use the tags #ChooseToChallenge and #InfosysIWD21 . Do mention the URL so others can participate too

Make a commitment to #ChoosetoChallenge.

  • We need to be aware that it is NOT a level playing field.
  • We can all make our teams more welcoming to women.
  • We need to work more mindfully to make sure that there is gender diversity in our teams.
  • We need to do our part to make sure there is equal pay for equal work.
  • We need to make it known that comments hostile or discriminatory, even if unintended, are simply unacceptable.
  • We need to make sure that opportunities go to people, based purely on competence and not guided by unthinking bias.
  • We need more qualified women in leadership positions so younger female colleagues have more role models.
  • We need to teach our boys to understand the importance of this topic early in life.

The change that we all want to see in the world, needs to start with us.