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  • AI Interrogator: Navigating the AI Ethical Frontier with Dr. Kate Devlin

    November 22, 2023


  • The need for responsible AI serves as a compass for navigating the complex landscape of technology and suggests a shift towards ethical considerations and a deeper understanding of the human impact beyond corporate interests.
  • In debunking fears of an AI apocalypse, Dr. Devlin provides a reassuring perspective, highlighting the urgency of addressing real-world challenges such as hidden labor and data privacy, while navigating the transformative potential of AI in shaping a more responsible and interconnected future.

About Dr. Kate Devlin

Dr. Kate Devlin

Dr. Kate Devlin is a Reader in Artificial Intelligence & Society in the Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London. She is an interdisciplinary computer scientist investigating how people interact with and react to technologies, both past and future. Kate is the author of Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots (Bloomsbury, 2018), which examines the ethical and social implications of technology and intimacy. She is Creative and Outreach lead for the UKRI Responsible Artificial Intelligence UK program, an international research and innovation ecosystem for responsible AI.

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