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Knowledge Institute Podcasts
  • Kate Maloney on Holistic Tech Education

    19 May 2020
  • Kate Maloney, Executive Director of the Infosys Foundation, discusses the importance of tech learning for all students, outside socioeconomic, regional and cultural boundaries and the ways the Infosys Foundation supports both teachers and students. Kate touches on the value of government/non-profit partnerships, the evolution of the “maker movement,” the foundation’s response to COVID-19, and a hybrid model that may be the future of education.

    Hosted by Jeff Kavanaugh, VP and Head of the Infosys Knowledge Institute.

    “I had this idea that it is really due to where you are born and where you are raised that determined some of your opportunities. And I've always wanted to kind of push back against that.”

    - Kate Maloney


Show Notes

  • 03:23

    “If you go back, how did you get started? And can you think about early influences that got you thinking about working in a civic or societal role?”

  • 05:14

    “Beyond that interest and that passion for it, how did you come to gain expertise in this area?”

  • 06:56

    “What is it about computer science education and tech education that excites you?”

  • 08:05

    “… you contributed to a world economic forum report called the Future Role of Civil Society… when you were doing that, did you think about computer science or education, or what were some of the roles that you were thinking about for the future of civil society?”

  • 09:56

    When you think about the role of partnerships… what comes to mind in the current role that you have as you think about the foundation, and you think about Infosys as a company that you're working with, and then the state and local governments?

  • 11:26

    Kate mentions the foundation’s Pathfinders teacher training program.

  • 11:57

    “We talked about computer science and the tech education, if you go back to your mission statement, you also include the phrase “maker.” Let's talk about maker a little bit.”

  • 13:49

    Kate explains how teaching problem solving, hands on, doesn’t have to be high tech.

  • 14:41

    Kate gives an example of a student who used his 3D printer to create a solution for uncomfortable masks during the COVID-19 epidemic.

  • 16:20

    “You mentioned COVID-19 the pandemic, what is Infosys and the foundation done in the wake of the crisis? How have you seen it come to life?”

  • 18:29

    “[After COVID-19] what role do you see the foundation playing in the US for education? And are there any nuances, or changes you see, based upon the new reality we have?

  • 21:05

    Originally I was going to ask you a contrarian or skeptical question, corporate foundations, they're just about donating money to good causes, and it's a good thing for the annual report. How do you put a finer point on that to say what you're really about as opposed to just that grantee relationship?

  • 23:10

    Can you talk about how you translate what [Infosys] does and bring it to bear, not just the money, but also the technical knowhow to make an impact?

  • 24:59

    Jeff and Kate discuss the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, or “SDGs” and how similar priorities are implemented differently throughout the world.

  • 27:50

    As people want to help, individuals out there, how can they reach out, either directly to you or just in general? How can they make a difference?

About Kate Maloney

Kate Maloney is the Executive Director of Infosys Foundation USA. She has over 18 years experience in economic development, corporate philanthropy, and social impact. Kate was previously a Director at KPMG, worked across the UK, US, and emerging markets leading private foundations, non-profits, governments, the UN and the World Economic Forum.

Earlier, Kate was Country Manager for Mexico and Central America at the US Trade Development Agency in Washington, DC and worked with the Chair of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Kate serves on several advisory boards, has a Master of Arts degree from Johns Hopkins University, and a Bachelor of Arts from Wake Forest University.