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Ahead in the Cloud Podcast

  • C-Suite Teamwork with JG Summit

    November 01, 2021
  • Carlos “Caloi” Santos, Vice President, Corporate Services and Chief Information Officer of JG Summit Holdings, Inc., explains how he used risk planning (Plan A, Plan B & Plan C) and C-Suite team work (CIO, CFO & CPO) to smoothly move JG Summit to the cloud.

    Hosted by Chad Watt, Infosys Knowledge Institute researcher and writer.

    Music by Mixaund.

    “Do not ever assume that your plan will work, always assume it can go wrong and do a lot of diligence to plan for what can go wrong.”

    “Make sure you have the support of your board. Because something can go wrong and if they have your back, they're not going to blame you for it because they were part of the decision.”

    “You're closing the data center and moving everything to the cloud. How are you going to go about doing that? We had to make sure, we knew what we can do and what help we needed from a capable partner, both from a cloud provider and SI to be able to achieve that. So that's why we talked to six or seven vendors. We wanted to engage deeper, to understand and use that to evaluate this type of work. That's basically the journey we took. The challenge to me is how to make sure it's done right, given you can imagine the impact if it goes wrong in any part of the journey.”

    - Carlos “Caloi” Santos


  • Make the cloud proposal to the board a collective effort between three C level executives, the CIO, CFO and CPO endorsing it together. Moving to the cloud is not just an IT project.
  • When talking to a board about moving to the cloud, be sure to educate them about what cloud is. They’ve heard of cloud, but they may not understand the complete picture.
  • Make sure the move to the cloud is aligned with business strategy and understand cost will be a factor because it’s a huge investment.
  • The cloud provides higher reliability, the ability to create new applications faster and save money that can be reinvested back into innovation.
  • Use public cloud when possible. In a public cloud setup, the people managing it have more expertise. With a private cloud setup, you have to govern, maintain and work the details of the setup. Even if you use a vendor, you must do some governance over private cloud.

Show Notes

  • 00:44

    Sir Caloi talks about the first time he saw a computer and his introduction to computer programming.

  • 02:35

    Chad asks Sir Caloi where the vision came from to shift all of JG Summit’s digital assets to the cloud.

  • 05:55

    Sir Caloi explains why risk planning is such an important part of moving to the cloud.

  • 07:15

    Public vs. Private Cloud: Sir Caloi explains why he picks public cloud first.

  • 11:00

    Sir Caloi explains why it’s so important to have the support of your board when starting to move a company to the cloud.

  • 11:30

    Chad asks Sir Caloi to recommend how to persuade a board to move digital assets to the cloud.

  • 06:37

    What are [the] capabilities that allow companies exceptional performance to achieve these great things?

  • 13:58

    The three benefits Sir Caloi says JG Summit customers receive from the company’s move to the cloud.

  • 15:59

    Chad asks Sir Caloi to tell a story of a new innovation JG Summit has rolled out recently for customers.

About Carlos “Caloi” Santos

Carlos Santos

Carlos “Caloi” Santos is the Vice President, Corporate Services and Chief Information Officer of JG Summit Holdings, Inc., Philippines since July 2017, and leads the overall strategy, implementation, and operations of the Corporate IT group.

JG Summit is one of the largest and most diversified Filipino conglomerates, engaged primarily in businesses that serve a growing middle class with rising disposable incomes in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and Australasia.

Caloi is driving the "digital vision of transformation" for the conglomerate that began with the adoption and migration to a hybrid cloud platform and the implementation of cloud-based collaboration, productivity, and S/4 HANA enterprise resource planning solutions across business units.