An aerospace corporation wanted to transform its heterogeneous IT landscape for better visibility into financial operations and data reporting. The IT ecosystem of 100s of applications was maintained by 10-15 service providers.

Infosys transitioned the applications into a harmonized model for HQ operations as a first step and was later instrumental in implementing S/4HANA to harmonize the IT landscape for the entire Finance domain, the company’s largest division. Our team adopted a standardized service operations model and defined a road map for application as well as vendor consolidation in the finance domain for ERP (transactional applications) and reporting.

IT landscape modernization enables operational excellence at aerospace corporation  

Key Challenges

A heterogeneous IT landscape resulted in disparate IT service operations, which was compounded by a multi-vendor support model:

  • Obsolescence
    An archaic ERP system with 20+ year old disparate processes prevented standardization across subsidiaries in different regions
  • Redundancy Duplication of applications and absence of master data led to complex and inaccurate data reporting
  • Siloed operations Lack of visibility into finance and reporting at the headquarters level spread across systems

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The Solution

IT landscape transformation enables process harmonization across the aerospace enterprise

At the outset, Infosys consolidated applications at the client’s headquarters and migrated them to a harmonized operations model. In 6-8 months, our team migrated ITSM tools maintained by several vendors to a single enterprise tool on Remedy.

In the second phase, our team focused on the finance domain of their largest division. Within four months transitioned and implemented a harmonized IT operations model for hundreds of finance applications.

Infosys defined a road map to consolidate the application landscape and build a robust, unified finance system. Our team undertook application consolidation and migration to a three-tier architecture across three landscapes to develop a finance ecosystem:

  • Transactional:
    Undertaking migration of finance transactional ERP applications to a common S/4HANA CFIN-based architecture
  • Reporting:
    Deployed Business Warehouse on HANA-based consolidated reporting architecture for financial reporting
  • UI visualization:
    Integrated platform for user interface and visualization for UX / UI application developments

IT and process harmonization enables faster time-to-market

  • Seamless support model across financial transactional and reporting applications including SAP S/4HANA and non-SAP bespoke applications
  • Financial process automation: Re-engineered financial process and deployed RPA using UiPath
  • Financial Cockpit: One-stop cockpit delivers financial KPIs and chatbot implementation for quick voice query-based reports
  • IFS Command Center: SAP Fiori-based centralized monitoring dashboard addresses different system landscapes
  • Established Robotics / Automation CoE
  • Developed SAP Fiori / UI5-based App Factory for prompt Fiori / UI5 application delivery


Consolidated application platform for business intelligence built on HANA

Integrated finance driven by Lean Six Sigma, streamlined processes and master data

Faster time-to-market, automation and consolidation across divisions