An American aerospace consumables provider was challenged by high frequency, labor-intensive shipping processes. The legacy system involved manual entry on a portal and generation of sales orders, which risked errors.

Infosys implemented robotic process automation to transform warehouse operations at the aerospace enterprise and accelerate process cycle times. Our team automated the Sales Order (SO) and Advance Shipment Notification (ASN) processes in the aerospace and energy division.

Key Challenges

  • Manual generation of up to 400 SOs / ASNs every day, which required a dedicated staff to manage the workload
  • The repetitive nature and high volume of work risked human error and inconsistent gestation periods

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The Solution

End-to-end process automation eliminates errors

Infosys automated sales order and advance shipment notification processes to ensure faster shipment. Our team deployed two process robots to achieve end-to-end automation.

When a business user places an order, an e-mail activates the sales order robot while the ERP system alerts the advance shipment notification robot. Both robots perform their respective functions and generate a report on completion.

Automation drives process excellence

  • Increased process accuracy
  • Eliminated human dependence
  • Reduced average transactions handling time


Infosys implemented robotic process automation to transform shipping documentation

Robots process up to 6,000 sales orders and more than 6,000 advance shipment notifications every month

Automation reduced average processing time from up to 10 minutes to a few minutes