
Infosys Alliance Partner - Microsoft

Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @microsoft) is the leading platform and productivity company for the mobile-first, cloud-first world, and its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. We believe a new technology paradigm is emerging that manifests itself through an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. There are three characteristics that define this shift. The first is that the experience layer is becoming multidevice and multisense; where a person’s experience with technology will span a multitude of devices and become increasingly more natural and multisensory with voice, ink, gestures, and gaze interactions. Second, artificial intelligence (AI) will be pervasive across devices, apps, and infrastructure to drive insights and act on your behalf. Third, computing will be more distributed than ever before with computing power at the edge; whether it’s the connected car, the connected factory floor, or any connected device.

Microsoft continues to focus on bringing their technology and products together into experiences and solutions that deliver new value to customers.

Our solution span across the four core solution areas of Microsoft

The modern workplace

Drive workplace transformation with collaborative solutions using Windows 10, Office 365 (O365), and other Microsoft Cloud services. The Microsoft Graph provides the underlying data model of the user’s experience, and the LinkedIn network will make it possible for every professional in any business or functional role to be much more productive in getting things done.

Business applications

Every process inside a business is being digitized. This rapid shift means customers are looking to move away from monolithic suites that perpetuate disconnected data siloes and expensive custom extensibility frameworks. Microsoft objective is to empower business users with industry solutions leveraging Dynamics, O365, and other Microsoft Cloud services.

Applications and infrastructure

Cloud computing is foundational to enabling digital transformation for any organization. Beyond being a trusted, global, hyper-scale cloud; what makes Azure unique is our hybrid consistency, developer productivity, and SaaS application integration. Our focus is to revitalize legacy infrastructure while creating new technologies and transform IT operations through an ideal mix of public, private, and hybrid cloud solutions.

Data and artificial intelligence (AI)

The core currency of any business going forward will be the ability to reason over its data using AI to drive competitive advantage. Our focus is to convert raw data into actionable insights, automate repetitive processes, enhance business efficiency, and reimagine business processes in the hybrid world of physical and digital interaction.

For more information, visit Microsoft website:

About the partnership

Infosys and Microsoft have a rich legacy of partnership spanning over 15 years. As partners, our goal is to bring together our complementary strengths to deliver specialized capabilities, industry solutions, and services that will help our customers and empower every person and every organization to achieve more. We want to not only enhance the value that our customers realize from their technology investments but help identify business opportunities in a forward-looking, proactive manner.

  • We are amongst the top three Global system integrator (SI) partners for Azure
  • We have over 1000 certified Azure consultants
  • We won the Microsoft ‘WW C&SI Intelligent Cloud Alliance Partner of the Year’ award for 2017
  • We won the Microsoft ‘Platform Modernization Award 2017’ for mainframe migration
  • Modern workplace
    • Infosys Collaboration Workbench: There is an imperative need to control and collaborate across all entities — departments, partners, and operations. The Infosys Collaboration Workbench – Office 365 based tool brings the power of automation to help you quickly iterate, prototype, and realize value from your investments in Office 365. It ensures optimum Office365 adoption and enhanced user experience through continuous innovation across implementation and managed services.
  • Business applications
    • Industry solutions like Agency Relationship Management (ARM), Oil Field Services (OFS), Clinical Trial Supply Management (CTSM), Relationship Based Solution, and Service Management for Electricity Distribution (SMED) solution for building business apps using customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) online.
      • Insurance – Agency Relationship Management
      • Oil and Gas – Field Services Solution
      • Life Sciences – Clinical Trial Supply Chain Management
      • Telecom – Customer Management Solution
  • Azure IOT Solutions Blockchain on Azure
    AR/VR Solutions with HoloLens
  • Applications and Infrastructure
    • Azure IOT Solutions Blockchain on Azure
    • AR/VR Solutions with HoloLens
  • Data and AI
    • Data foundation platforms, modernization, and migration using several solutions build on Infosys Nia, Infosys Information Grid on Azure, Customer Genome Solution, etc.