Infosys wins patent for innovation in system performance and scalability
Infosys was granted a patent for an innovative technique to automate the performance and scalability analysis of the computer system. It enhances the efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of applications in the system.
The patent – System for Performance and Scalability Analysis Methods – relates to a computer system and methods to analyze the performance and scalability of any system running an application.
The patent is based on the RADIEN CASPER performance engineering platform from Infosys. This platform provides a comprehensive framework for managing engineering and application performance. The platform’s integrated end-to-end methodology is supported by best practices, techniques and tools that enable engineering applications for optimum performance. It is developed on the Infosys-patented technology that helps analyze computer systems for performance and stability prior to system build. This is done using simulation and forecasting techniques that in turn help application architects address performance concerns well in time, to avoid expensive and wasteful rework.
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