
Unleashing the Power of Digital: Igniting Transformation in the Modern Era

How does an organization create a digital ecosystem to propel its business ahead in these uncertain times? What are some of the unique challenges that companies face when harnessing the power of digital? The cloud answers several of these pertinent questions in the panel discussion held with industry leaders at the Infosys Cobalt World Tour, London, in June 2023.

Moderated by Paul Dillon, Head of Infosys Consulting in Europe, and featuring - Adele Ara, CTO of Lightsource bp, and Vlad Galu, CTO of Bupa, this discussion unravels the strategies adopted by the two companies on their digital transformation journey. Lightsource bp, the largest solar developer in Europe, took a bite-sized approach to creating a people-first and data-first digital strategy. Bupa, a British multinational health insurance and healthcare company, operates from a place of safety by adopting a two-tiered operational model for the cloud that allows it to innovate in a safe environment protected by carefully designed guardrails.

This video will help you understand specific industry challenges and a strategic insight on how these were solved using the cloud.