
We all are witnessing the Data and Analytics revolution that is responsible for the next Human Evolution – an Evolution where Human capabilities are being significantly amplified. The backbone of this revolution is the technological advancements happening in the areas of social/ mobility, IoT/Digital, disintermediation and AI/ML. We are living in a fast-paced, digital world that is continuously looking for ways to discover, analyze and actionize the information in real-time to serve us better.

Infosys Data Analytics envisions an analytics-driven enterprise that delivers on its promises of industrialized and cutting-edge capabilities through a strategic approach for sustained Monetization. We believe that this holistic approach will create 100x possibilities to drive new markets, new experiences that consumers value, greater efficiencies and even better risk management.

The 100x possibilities are underpinned by these distinct pillars that enable data monetizing:

  • Customer Intimacy: Deliver delightful customer experiences driven by actionable insights that ensure revenue upside for the enterprise. Helping organizations understand and influence customer behavior by creating a personalized omnichannel experience. Furthermore, helping improve customer loyalty and preventing customer churn.
  • Operational efficiency: Embeds analytics to streamline processes & business operations, forecasts operational disruptions with predictive insights, helping anticipate demand-supply fluctuations with real-time insights, enables predictive maintenance to improve assets & output quality and ensuring higher efficiency through automation and insights-driven operations.
  • Risk Management: Identification of organizational risk across the business value chain & taking preventive measures through predictive insights. Enable organizations to detect fraud proactively and contain financial damages. Also, helping organizations become agile enough to comply with ever-changing regulatory policies. This helping organizations reduce costs and in turn offer monetary gain for the enterprise.
  • New revenue streams: Enabling enterprises to convert data into strategic assets that trigger new/ enhanced products and services to create new revenue opportunities for business. Helping the business discover sustainable and scalable opportunities to diversify revenues by offering insights as-a-service.
Value LeverOperational LeverCapabilities Enabled by Analytics
Increase RevenueImprove Velocity
Increase Service Levels
Customer Intimacy, Operational Efficiency, Newer Revenue Models & Risk Mitigation
Reduce CostReduce Fuel Costs
Reduce Crew Costs
Improve Schedule Compliance
Improve Problem Recovery
Reduce Compliance Costs
Reduce Time to Compliance
Customer Intimacy, Operational Efficiency, Newer Revenue Models & Risk Mitigation
Reduce Working CapitalImprove Capacity
Improve Equipment Turns
Customer Intimacy, Operational Efficiency, Newer Revenue Models & Risk Mitigation

Our strategic approach to monetize data:

The strategic approach addresses three key imperatives of data provisioning, data consumption and the organization culture that binds them together within the enterprise.

  • The boundaryless information platform, which brings in a solution-perspective, enables effective data provisioning across the enterprise while accounting for the new-age data landscape marked by high volumes, varieties and sources. It also breaks down physical, technological and organizational boundaries that are inadvertently created within the enterprise and presents the right data to the right people at the right time.
  • The progressive organization establishes a data-driven culture, bringing business and IT together, to ensure maximum output from data-analytics initiatives. The holistic approach caters to the existing people, process and technology investments in the enterprise, transforms it to become analytics-driven and enables the enterprise to monetize data.
  • The pervasive analytics pillar is built with a data consumption purpose. It enables self-service, embeds analytics into key functions and processes, and automates insights-generation for informed business decision-making, in real-time or ahead-of-time.

Here are some of our solutions that are helping clients make Data Do More

Infosys Analytics Workbench - Currently, 80% of the time gets spent on Data Acquisition and Preparation and only 20% is actually spent on Analytics. Infosys is reversing this equation and helping our clients scale up analytics, with Infosys’ Analytics Workbench, which empowers Agile Analytics. This solution is powered by a loosely coupled Architecture which accelerates the Time to Insight, enables Self Service analytics, faster Data Extraction and Decision making. It also puts the power in the hands of the business user to tweak and experiment with the analytical models, without the need for extensive training or in-depth knowledge of data science.
Infosys Genome Solution is a domain specific solution to accelerate the journey from data to insights to realize business outcomes. Genome solutions’ capabilities like the Data Intelligence Grid – a Pre-fabricated repository of multi-dimensional behavioral attributes or genes, Boundary-less data access for automated data integration, Identity resolution to match external and internal entities etc., helps to decode the customer DNA by creating networked data products. The pre-built model libraries within the Genome solution facilitate fast-tracking mining the data for insights. We have created the Customer Genome for customer analytics (across industries), Supplier & Product Genome for supply chain analytics and Asset Genome for asset analytics.
Infosys NIA is an open source based data analytics platform that enables businesses to operationalize their data assets and uncover new opportunities for rapid innovation and growth. This end-to-end Framework for Data Science encapsulates functionality for data integration, data preparation, modelling, deployment and reports while providing Data Security, Transparency, Reliability, Auditability and Self Service Provisioning with elastic scaling for cloud deployments with Infosys cobalt.
Infosys Supply Chain Early Warning Solution enables insulating businesses from disruption.
The solutions help organizations to identify and predict relevant disruptions to take preventive measures.

Achieve 100X possibilities with the Data Monetization Framework

Know how you can turn your enterprise into an analytics driven one


End-to-end Industry specific Data Monetization Framework. Each framework connects the dots from business-drivers to business-capabilities – data & analytics capabilities – Process capabilities

  • 100x Force Multipliers that accelerate the execution of data & analytics building blocks to deliver on capabilities
  • The right blend of software & services to deliver on contextualized needs of the client
  • Significant experience in assisting clients to create monetization opportunities in customer intimacy, ops efficiency and new revenue models and deliver through our data & analytics capabilities

Challenges & Solutions

Understand customer behavior better to improve customer experience with data driven insights

Utilizing predictive data led insights to bring in automation & insight-driven operations

Embedding analytics into business processes to contain & prevent fraud or risks

Leverage analytics to discover new markets

Monetization is a transformational initiative that demands senior stakeholders’ vision, sponsorship and governance for sustainable value. However, the well-thought of roadmap will provide continuous value creation at regular time intervals and also allow course-correction.

Refactoring the current workforce to learn the new tools. The new tools mostly eliminate need for specialized skills like Data Scientist and reskill a business user into citizen data scientist. Bring in specialized skills from market to deliver on capabilities that will provide competitive edge

Engage the right supplier who shares a similar vision of data monetization and brings in software & services to deliver on this vision faster.