Infosys wins 2021 Adobe Digital Experience Delivery Quality Partner of the Year Award
Infosys has won the 2021 Digital Experience Delivery Quality Partner of the Year from Adobe. The award honors Adobe partners who have made leading contributions to Adobe’s business and have had a significant impact on customer success in the Americas region. Infosys was recognized for creating better synergies between the CIO with the CMO to provide a complete offering of Adobe applications for their customers.
The award underscores Infosys growing partnership with Adobe, with strong investments in a number of Adobe Experience Cloud certifications and specializations, that helped Infosys deliver high-quality customer implementations.
Infosys has deep expertise across the Adobe Experience Cloud applications, helping organizations become nimble with market dynamics and fast-paced customer evolutions. Infosys’ experienced technology and business experts helped customers achieve unprecedented advantages for large Fortune 20 clients. Infosys is a Global Platinum Partner in the Adobe Solution Partner Program and has built a solid digital foundation for its customers, powered by Adobe Experience Cloud.
To learn more about the award, please visit:
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