
Infosys Ranked a Leader in the 2021 ISG Provider Lens™ Salesforce Ecosystem Partners Reports for Germany and US

Infosys has been ranked a Leader in the ISG Provider Lens™ Salesforce Ecosystem Partners 2021 reports for its excellence in Salesforce Implementation and Integration, and Managed Application Services, for large enterprises across Germany and the United States. Through 4 separate ratings, ISG emphasized Infosys’ strong delivery model, powerful industry-specific solutions, part of Infosys Cobalt, compelling tool support and deployment automation solutions. Infosys’ mature contract models, extensive ISV network supporting Salesforce-based solutions, and its presence in the DACH - Deutschland (Germany), Austria, Confœderatio Helvetica (Switzerland) region was also highlighted.

For the reports, ISG analyzed over 40 leading next-generation Salesforce service providers on the criteria of strategy and vision, innovation, market impact, geographical presence, technology advancements, and dynamics of service delivery. The Implementation and Integration Services for Large Enterprises quadrant distinguished Infosys as a leader for its ability to offer a robust Salesforce services portfolio with numerous predefined solutions and compelling productivity tools. The report also underlined the acquisition of the Salesforce provider Simplus, which significantly added to Infosys’ capabilities in the U.S and substantiated its leading position in early 2020.

The Managed Application Services for Large Enterprises quadrant positioned Infosys as a leader for its wide range of tools to support efficient application operation and management, and comprehensive automation expertise to achieve good business process stability and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, the quadrant recognized Infosys’ ability to expand its extensive automation of application management and willingness to take co-responsibility for the engagement results.

To read a customized version of the ISG Provider Lens™ reports, please visit: