Our Carbon Neutral Journey

We have displayed unflinching commitment towards reducing our Carbon Footprint while making a positive impact on the environment and communities at large. Over the years, we have reinvented ourselves by implementing various innovative solutions to address climate change and have driven progress in sustainable development goals such as poverty alleviation, gender equality, innovation, and economic opportunity.

Commending our efforts in climate action, the UN awarded Infosys with the prestigious United Nations Global Climate Action Award in the ‘Climate Neutral Now’ category. It is indeed a proud moment for Infosys, given that it is the only corporate from India to earn the recognition for its efforts to combat climate change.

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Our Journey

Our Journey

Energy Efficiency

Innovation in building design, retrofits and smart operations have helped us create some of the most efficient buildings with energy performance index of 75 kWh/sq.m. or lower against the recommendation of 115-90 kWh/sq.m for a 4-star rated building as per Bureau of Energy Efficiency star rating

Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy

As signatory to the Global RE100 campaign, we have already installed about 49MW solar PV, while sourcing 46% of our total electricity from renewables as of FY2019.

Renewable Energy

Carbon Offset

Weaving Rural India’s Sustainable Development agenda into our own carbon neutral commitment–Part II

Over 100,000 families benefitted socially and economically through our carbon offset project, while generating offsets to the tune over 300,000 tCO2e, as of FY2019.

Carbon Offset

To us what started as an endeavor to become carbon neutral has turned into a journey filled with learnings, innovations, collaborations and most importantly one that of fulfilment and hope. It has also clearly demonstrated that it makes financial sense to invest in sustainability.

Carbon Offset