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IT Infrastructure Management
The Infosys Automotive practice streamlines IT infrastructure management to simplify harvesting, storage, retrieval, and management of data. Automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning models enable us to create a ‘self-learning’ ecosystem to enhance IT operations. It also drives a self-help mechanism for business users.
Automation facilitates granular monitoring and troubleshooting, which helps prompt detection of issues to resolve / prevent / minimize disruption. Besides, it reduces IT events, incidents and helpdesk tickets. Our dashboards provide real-time insights into the IT infrastructure, which help mitigate risks, including security issues, and ensure compliance with regulations.
Our IT infrastructure management command centers adopt a ‘people + software’ delivery approach for application maintenance and business process monitoring. Our holistic approach supports homogeneous and heterogeneous infrastructure of physical and virtual assets, platforms, technology providers, and equipment. Further, it enhances infrastructure lifecycle management – from asset planning and day-to-day operations to disposal.
Infosys focuses on agility and stability of the infrastructure while ensuring consistency in service delivery. Active infrastructure management addresses dynamic requirements and maximizes uptime while enabling rapid response as well as continuous improvement. Scalable infrastructure helps internal and external teams to use near real-time data across business processes. Further, accurate data and real-time updates improve collaboration and mobility services.
Our IT experts leverage analytical tools to forecast requirements across resources, plan and manage ITIL capacity, and set threshold values to trigger alerts as well as remedial action. We rationalize infrastructure costs via data center consolidation and virtualization of servers, storage devices, desktops, and applications.
Point of View: Mobility 2.0 – Technology on wheels
Automobile manufacturers need to leverage smart technology and communication systems to provide mobility-as-a-service.