
Being Resilient Conversations: Technology the backbone of organisational resilience

Pause for a minute to think – if COVID had struck 15 years ago, would organisations have been able to cope as well as they have today?

Advancements in technology and the tools available to us now have inarguably played a central role in helping organisations build and sustain resilience during the current crisis. From helping us work from home securely, to collaborating across virtual spaces to ensuring productivity amongst teams, technology has been the unsung hero during these testing times. Henceforth business strategy will rely even more on technology strategy with organisations leaning on it to drive change and progress.

In this video, Ajay Vij, Industry Head Financial Services speaks to the CTO of Lloyds Banking Group Juan Gomez and Infosys’ Unit Technology Officer Mohammed Rafee to get a practitioner’s view on the subject.

Being Resilient Conversations: Technology the backbone of organisational resilience