Client wanted a Digital Workspace to exponentially improve the way employee, supplier, vendor connect and work. Especially when the workforce is diverse in culture and is across geographies.

With our offerings under Infosys Cobalt, we were able to develop a next-generation Workplace Platform for the entire enterprise. The new system leverages cognitive APIs to support natural language search. It reduces 98% in time for a search through enterprise Hybrid SP search.

Key Challenges

  • Creating a collaboration platform that people really wanted to use
  • High CapEx and OpEx formed a major part of the total project costs
  • Comprehensive performance testing that wasn’t localized in the client environment

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The Solution

Higher Productivity and Efficiency Gains

We proposed an API-based approach to connect the existing enterprise systems and aimed to use every day digital usability a part of the daily work experience.

What did we do to achieve this?

  • We used a controlled sandbox environment to eliminate dependencies by integrating old systems into an improved new system
  • Using SharePoint search and SQL 2016 full text search, we helped remove the difficulty of accessing critical content stored across multiple systems
  • By implementing hybrid infrastructures like v-next SharePoint online (Office 365) and its apps deployed in AWS as an IaaS or in some cases, SharePoint 2016 hosted on-premises we allowed employees accessibility and collaboration across geographies, regardless of network bandwidth
  • Enabling comprehensive performance testing using the Visual Studio Team Services tool to test from all major global locations and proposed using automation test cases for faster execution & minimal disruption to business

Improve user experience, productivity and employee retention

  • Enhanced networking capabilities by allowing for cross-geographical collaboration
  • Project cost savings by bringing down CapEx & OpEx
  • Avoiding performance testing costs altogether
  • Automation of test cases making testing 4 times faster than usual


Collaboration Platform that people really wanted to use

Implemented a collaborative platform using API-based approach that could bring up productivity by 20-25% for the 40000 people strong global workforce

Implemented a collaborative platform using API-based approach that could bring up productivity by 20-25% for the 40000 people strong global workforce

Reduced at least US$10 million from the project costs

Reduced at least US$10 million from the project costs

Avoided costs of comprehensive performance testing by using Visual Studio Team Services which enabled testing from all major global locations

Avoided costs of comprehensive performance testing by using Visual Studio Team Services which enabled testing from all major global locations